Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dating Ethics

Ok guys....and I mean that literally. This is a post for all my guy friends out there (and any other guys who may come across this blog). Do NOT lie about your height. Seriously.

As many of you know, I've got a profile on I feel like I'm fairly honest in said profile. But my friend Sumei made this observation about men and their stated height: "I have a 2 inch theory: most men will fudge their height by 2 inches". Meaning that if his profile says he's 5'8", he's really more like 5'6".

Seriously guys....If I say I'm 5'6, and you claim to be 5'8", I'M GOING TO NOTICE THAT YOU'RE THE SAME HEIGHT AS ME!!!! And I'm going to know that you fudged.

Needless to say, this happened to me (again) today. Not that the height makes a whole heck of alot of difference. But still, if you're going to be wonky on this topic.....what else are you being wonky about???

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I. Am. So. Bored.

Any of you out there? Post me a comment. Send me an Email. Go to and drop me a note there. Call me if you are just as bored.

I'm so bored, I don't even want to finish unpacking.

Now THAT's boredom.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Home is where you place your coffee maker

So, new location, "new" apartment. And I say that second part with a semi-amount of sarcasm. I'm actually in a fairly old apartment. But it's clean, quiet, and has assigned parking. I should know....I got someone towed today. I didn't *want* to. Really. I've been ain't fun. But the apt office workers made every effort to locate the owener of the offending auto, and were not successful. Poor them.

So, the apartment is ok. It's actually a fairly good size....except the kitchen and bathroom. Two rooms that, really, you'd like a *little* room to turn around in! Now for the final observation. Since this is technically "corporate housing", the complex provided the furniture. But not the TV. No biggie, I have one I travel with. However, due to my company being unable to meet all of my housing requirements (there are only a few: safe, clean, washer/dryer in unit , and provide me with a vacuum cleaner), meaning they couldn't get me an apt with a W/D in the apt, they said they would provide me with a TV. Ok, GREAT!! Once less thing I have to haul up the steps! Except, it won't be here until Monday. Now, I know of at least one of you, my friends, who not only does not own a TV, but finds them pointless, and doesn't plan on *ever* owning one (you know who you are!!). Which is each his own. But I happen to enjoy TV. I also use said TV to watch movies that are convienently delivered to me by NefFlix. Then fact that I am forced to watch said DVD movies on my laptop is just.....well, inhumane!

So pity me this weekend my friends. My idiot box is MIA until some yet undetermined time on Monday. Of course, this gives me absolutely no reason or excuse as to why my boxes are still packed!

Monday, June 12, 2006

On the Road Again....

This trip.....gads! This trip did NOT start off well. Ok, lets start with Saturday. I'm UP out of bed and MOVING (sans coffee) by 8:15 (that's AM mind you). Coffee and breakfast (compliments of Burger King), and only 3 short (SHORT I tell you) errands later, I am home by 10 am and loading up. I HAVE to be on the road by 2 pm (to be at the Oakland airport by 3:30 or so). The chiropractor offers to come in on his day off, so I have to factor that in. At 1 pm, I have run out of room. At 1:30, I'm near tears. At 3 pm I get cracked by the Chiro. At 3:20 I'm on the road. That's 1 hour and 20 minutes after I should have left. My parents plane is due to land IN TWENTY MINUTES!!! I may be a few minutes late.
Ten minutes into my drive (and more than one bout of road rage at those who haven't figured out that green means GO!!), the box that is on top of the Envoy with the roof-top carrier (not IN it, WITH it). The box that I *knew* was a risk putting it up there. The box with the majority of my kitchen (including the all necessary coffee pot). Ten minutes into this drive, this box was shared with all of hwy 132. So now, I'm probably going to be very late. I salvage what I can (most important were my good kitchen knives.). Get back in the car. And drive. This was day one.
Day 2 begins much better. A night of sleep, in the Sierra's, georgous scenery of....well, trees. Notice I say it begins better. Not long after lunch, Mom starts to feel not so bueno. We arrive in Salt Lake City Sunday evening. Here it is Monday night, and we are still here. Of course, there are worse places to have to stay. The good news is Mom's feeling better (24 hour something). It also gave me (with much needed help from Dad), the chance to repack the Envoy. It's much more organized, and not so squished. Salt Lake City, by the way, kind of an interesting place. Flat, almost desert like landscape, with these fairly large mountains (that still have snow on them) in the background.
So, we are off again in the AM. Despite all of this side-drama, it's not been all that bad. There's still pleanty more do drive, do and see.
Keepin' you posted from the heart of Mormon-land.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Gold Digg-er, uh..I mean -ing!

This is my friend Matt. Not to be mistaken for my other friend Matthew. The way you can tell the difference? MATT has facial hair, and hair on his head. MATTHEW does not have facial hair, and shaves his head.

Anyhow, for fun, on Memorial Day, we went prospectin'! Well....wort of. I have to admit, it was kinda fun! We didn't find anything. Well.... actually, I found some Iron Pyrite aka"Fools Gold" !