Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sad News

This news is actually about 3 weeks old, and most of you probably already know this. On July 6, 2007 my grandmother (aka "Mom") died. It was sudden and unexpected. She was sassing the Aides there at the nursing home where she lived. The girl turned to get something for her, and when the Aide turned back around....she was gone. Quickly, peacefully, and with no pain. The Doctor said that if you can't pass away in your sleep, a massive heart attack is the next best way to go.

This was a woman who epitomized etiquette. She kept us grandkids entertained with crafts, books and games (Ants in your pants, Hi Ho Cherri-o!). She was a God-fearing, God-loving woman with a sense of humor that fed right into her prankster side. I will miss her greatly.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Movin' On

Ok, so my friends and co-conspirators at Roosevelt have finally seen my previous blog. For those of you who aren't from NYC, here's the short version: An intern *adamantly* poo-poo'd one of the nurses for suggesting an alternative birthcontrol method (non-drug method, a little on the controversial side, but still). While sitting around after work at the pub down the street, someone made the comment that if the suggestion had come from a drug rep, said doctor (who, remember, is an *intern*), would have been all over it. I suggested that we should get some pens made like the drug reps give out. Big agreeing laughs all around the table, then we move on.

Fast forward to a few weeks later. Pens start showing up around the unit with the methods formal title. No one knows who's doing it.....except of course the one doing it! The instigator waited until she left the unit before confessing. What can I say except that I was vicariously insulted by this doctor's attitude. This is the kind of doc who it's not going to matter *what* is suggested. If it comes from a Nurse, it won't be good enough. *pffft*

Any how. I'm no longer in NYC. The temptation to stay was HUGE. Great co-workers, great city. But, in the end, it was time to go. I'm temporarily at home (this would be Tennessee). I went to Birmingham (Alabama, not England) last week and found an apartment. It's a two bedroom, two bath, so if anyone wants to come and visit you'll have a place to crash! (I've been told that it's not too too far to the beach!!) I move this coming Wednesday, and hopefully get in a day or two of work before heading off to Texas to visit for a week.

Ok, I'm signing off. I'll post again from Birmingham, Alabama. This is of course assuming I'm able to touch my keyboard since it's so stinkin' hot down there!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

To my friends at Roosevelt: A Confession

It was ME!!