Friday, May 18, 2007

I give it 4 stars

Ever seen the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" ? Great movie. It's basically a movie about us (the human population) screwing up the environment so bad, that we throw ourselves into an ice age. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the "too-smart-for-his-own-good" son whose stuck in NYC, and Dennis Quaid plays the "too-dedicated-to-his-job-for-his-own-good" Dad who goes to save him, and therefore their father/son relationship. Ok, I know it doesn't sound like it, but I really do like this movie.

Belive in global warming, don't believe. Whatever. This movie is about Man vs. Mother Nature. And belive Hollywood (and reality), Mother Nature will ALWAYS win. You can't fool her. You also can't screw her for long. She *will* hit the "reset" button. Very cool.

Anyhow, put the movie on your Netflix list. Don't watch the "edited for length and content" version on TV, they edit out the good parts.