Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Remember Titus? He's a comedian that had a show on FX a while back. It didn't last long, just a couple of years or so.

I have rediscovered him. I came across his stand up routine on (ironically) FX a few nights ago. I stayed up....I kid you not.....until nearly THREE AM watching him!! I came across his show again tonight (different routine). I was laughing so hard I snorked. And cried. Then I snorked again.

He is *so* politically incorrect. And, I admit it...... I find that funny. Really though, I don't think he's so much PI. He just actually voices what many are thinking. He finds the funny in the dark situations. (ie: apparently his mother killed her husband [not Titus' father btw], and Titus was called by her attorney at six am). Ok, this is a morbid example....but trust me, by the end of the story, you're cracking up!

Ok, ok, he does more than just PI. He must have had the childhood from .... you know where. But it gave him some GREAT material for his stand up!

Just thought I'd share.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St Patrick's Day

Or as my mysteriously dashing, and svelt friend Dan calls it: "Ameteurs Day". Yes, this is funny. Yes, he's fun to hang out with. Yes, he's single if any of you girls are interested!

Ok, I digress (shocker). So, St Paddy's day. It snowed Thursday night and most of Friday. We got more snow in ONE day that all winter COMBINED! Crazy. Ok, digressing again. Anyhow, it was still pretty chilly Saturday. The parade started at 11am. At 3pm it was still going! I think it finally ended around 4 or so.

Who knew that there were that many Irish in New York City!! Ok, I know, I know. There are oodles of them. But enough for a parade that lasts nearly FIVE HOURS!! Dang. Here are some pics:

What *does* an Irishman wear under his kilt?

Cute costumes

New York's finest

Ok, so there ya go. Lots of Irish in NYC.
Made me proud to be one!


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Working for a living

I am at work right now. For those of you who don't know, I work 12 hour shifts. This means I only work 3 days a week (woe is me!). I'm posting right now.....well, because I can. I had a patient earlier, but she's delivered and done and over on postpartum bonding with her new baby.
It has been a good day. We all got all of our federally mandated breaks today This doesn't always happen. In fact, quite often we get NO breaks. I have actually spent time both on the computer (as evidenced by this post), and reading a book today.

That being said, I'm glad I don't work tomorrow.

"Why?" You ask....because tomorrow is going to be a rotten day here at work.

"How do you know?" You ask.....because today was much to good of a day.

Laboring patients don't know how to spread themselves out. Labor and Delivery is feast or famine. We are either hanging out or hoofin' it. And today was a hangin' out day, meaning tomorrow will be a hoofin' it day.

I don't work tomorrow. Bwahahaha.