Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dating Ethics

Ok guys....and I mean that literally. This is a post for all my guy friends out there (and any other guys who may come across this blog). Do NOT lie about your height. Seriously.

As many of you know, I've got a profile on I feel like I'm fairly honest in said profile. But my friend Sumei made this observation about men and their stated height: "I have a 2 inch theory: most men will fudge their height by 2 inches". Meaning that if his profile says he's 5'8", he's really more like 5'6".

Seriously guys....If I say I'm 5'6, and you claim to be 5'8", I'M GOING TO NOTICE THAT YOU'RE THE SAME HEIGHT AS ME!!!! And I'm going to know that you fudged.

Needless to say, this happened to me (again) today. Not that the height makes a whole heck of alot of difference. But still, if you're going to be wonky on this topic.....what else are you being wonky about???


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