Monday, November 07, 2011

Seven months later!

I know I 7 months ago that I'd start blogging again. But really, not much to talk about! I work 4 days a week at one location, and Fridays, I work somewhere else. There. You know my days.

I did get submitted to the Air Force. I'll find out something in the next couple of weeks or two. So.....that's something. Right? I mean, I'm about to turn 41 (yes really) and I am looking to enter the Healthcare Corp in the USAF. Once again, I think I'm proving my insanity! But it seems like a good plan. When I think about becoming an Air Force officer, it just feels like the right decision. So, there I am, submitted and waiting.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hello again

Yes, I realized I have more or less ignored this blog for, like, two years. My bad. But I've been recently inspired to start posting again. More to come!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Yes, I know.....I'm like the second-worst blogger on the planet. The first being my friend from Chicago who hasn't posted in well over a year.

Ok, to catch up: I finished school 10 hours done. Well, actually, 17 total. I'm taking 11 in the spring term. I guess I didn't learn my lesson!

In August, I took a class to learn how to ride a motorcycle. In September, I BOUGHT a motorcycle (2001 Suzuki Marauder 800cc Cruiser). I rode it for one weekend when Dad brought it down to B'ham, and then sent it back to the dealer I bought it from for some minor repairs: install a windshield, check the clutch, and it's not got the pep that an 800cc engine should have. Six weeks later, they figure out what's wrong with it (rusty gas tank). But by that time, I basically have a completly rebuilt bike. And it's too cold to ride. *sigh* Oh, and gas prices have gone from $3.99/gal (my ulitimate motivation to buy the bike), to like $1.38/gal. Go figure. But it's PUUUUURRRRRTTTTYYYYYY!!! Maroon. I have a helmet to match. Jacket to follow soon. I'll post pictures soon (I'm actually at work right now, so, can't do it from here!)

Ok, next. Yet another Birthday marches me ever closer to 40. Still single. Still no prospects. Still thinking about doing the single-mom thing. My bestest friend Patrice is still actively trying to get me to move back to Texas. It's even gone as far as she's looking at houses for her neighborhood! I'm tempted, but gotta finish school first.

Many of you know of my eventual plans/desire to be an instructor in a school of Nursing. I was offered my own clinical group for the spring term. HOORAY!! Got the paperwork in and everything! One of the instructors brings students to one of the hospitals I work at. She likes me, and likes to put students with me because I take the time to teach them stuff. But I was told the other day that I could not do it after all. I had to have 18 graduate hours to teach, I only have.....get this....17. :-((

But she is going to hang onto my paperwork, and hire me this summer.

Maybe this was for the best though. I'm taking 11 hours, 5 of them are for my clinical/practicum, which I am doing in Tennessee (4 hour drive). PLUS two part time jobs. Teaching a clinical group probably would have been just too much. Would have been great....but alot. Oh well. This summer will come soon enough.

Whew. What else? I think that's it for now.

Happy new year to everyone!


Friday, August 08, 2008

It only happens once every 4 years.....

I am, of course, talking about the Olympics. Ok, so really they are every 2 years now. But I remember a time when it was every 4. Summer and Winter games all in one gigantic year of competition. I prefer it that way. But then again, my opinion means pretty much nothing.

I love, love, LOVE the Olympics. I love almost everything about them (I don't love that we use professional basketball players). I love what these games represent. The spirit of world wide competition for glory and honor. Yes, I know, our athletes who win--especially our gold winners--- win glory, honor..... and cash. But these are the best athletes of our nation (except for the basketball players). The BEST! Representing the U.S. of A!!! I love the Olympics. Sometimes I wish I had been an athlete rather than a band geek. Then.......ah....who am I kiddin'?!?!?! No WAY I could have done that!

I love the Olympics! Watch! Cheer! Be proud!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Ok, I looked up the other day and realized it has been over a MONTH since seeing my boys in concert. This, of course, is NOT a proper BonJovi fan attitude.

So, here it is. Pictures from third row center in the Sommet Center in Nashville, Tn. I have never, ever, EVER been this close to the stage before. And I will never, ever EVER be far away from the stage again! There's nothing like it!
What a rush! Every expression, every (be still my heart) smile, every drop of sweat! I could see it ALL!

That's me (on the left) and Hannah. I had 2
friends bail on me leading up to this concert.
(ok, so one of them was preggers, and her Dr
said NO FLYING, so she's excused!). And, ok,
the other had job/family issues. But STILL!
Hannah was literally last minute. She agreed
to go, no kidding, THREE HOURS before I was
to leave for the concert! Talk about get up
and GO! Those are our "VIP" bags. They
included and autographed tour book.

My boys. Richie and Jon

Ok, I don't listen to country music, so, I had
no idea who "Big and Rich" were. But here
they are! Because the show was in Nashville,
we got to see them sing the songs from the
album WITH the people on the album! Leigh-
Ann Rhimes was also there to do her duet with
Jon. So, here's Big and Rich (with my boys!)
singing "We got it goin' ON!"
Yes, Tico really is in there...somewhere!

This is the keyboard player David Bryan. I had a crush on him once. I think it was the hair.

Look back at my post Nov 2006. You will see
where I called "Livin' on a Prayer" our national
anthem. Here's my boys playing that very song
and I kid you not, Jon asked us all to rise "for
our national anthem". I of course am telling
EVERYONE that Jon reads my blog, and took
the idea from ME!

And finally, the last good-bye's. I did have all four of them in this shot, but there was a spot light right behind Tico's head and it completely turned him into some sort of glowing-higher being or something!
Poor Tico, he's always getting the short end of the photo-op!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A new website

Ok, well, actually, I don't know how long it's been there. I just discovered it about a week ago. And since then, I have spent WAY too much time looking at it! It's called and it's frikin' hilarious! Here's an example of what you'll find:

funny pictures
see more crazy cat pics

Seriously. I have to limit myself to like 10 pages at a time. One night I worried I was going to disturb my neighbors because I was laughing so hard!


Friday, January 18, 2008

School Daze

Well, I've gone and done it. I started back to school. Nothing official yet. I am taking a "non-degree seeking" course. Meaning I haven't been officially accepted to the Graduate program yet (probably because I haven't actually applied yet), but they are going to let me take a big-kids class.

I don't know what possessed me to actually do this. I am in no way, by no means an academic. I have friends that are VERY academic (*ahem* that would be YOU Matthew....for one). But me, not so much. I have to work, and work hard to "get the grade". Nursing in itself comes fairly easy to me. I love doing it. It's the nitty-gritty part though that gets me. The chemical/cellular/neuro/blah/blah/blah part of it.

And of course, because I am who I am....I started back to school, after nearly a decade of being OUT of school. I started back with (get this!!) Advanced Pathophysiology.

Seriously. What's wrong with me?? It's a good thing I have a degree in Psychology....I can diagnose myself as crazy!