Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Whoo-Hoo!!! I am finally back on line. I had connection issues. Dunno what the problem was, but it's fixed.

I can tell you, however, that it WASN'T my computer. I know this, because I schlepped said computer (laptop--thank you God), SEVEN BLOCKS to Best Buy. Twice. Thank Goodness for the Geek Squad, I just wish you guys were closer to the residence. Seven blocks. Twice. In the "heat" (I use that term loosely). Crazy.

Back online. WOO-HOO!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Work Etiquette

I had something strange happen at work the other day:

I had been off for a week (literally!) because my Aunt Beth and her daughter (my cousin) were here to visit. So, I came back to work this past Thursday. About 9 hours into the shift, we are at the Nurses' station talking about food (one of my favorite subjects!) Deb (who was in Charge that day), picks up this little box with a card attached (it was a thank you note). It's a gift from a patient I'd had the week before. It's a 4 piece box of Godiva chocolate.... with 2 pieces missing.

Now, in case you're wondering, this is *r*u*d*e*. As in very. I would have shared. (No, really, I would have!) Maybe they thought they were being considerate by only eating half, and leaving me the other half. Seems to me they should have just eaten the whole stinkin' box, and only leave the card. Then I wouldn't have known the difference.