Monday, October 30, 2006

Pod People

I've been sucked in. I've become a Pod Person. You know who they are: Those people with the white wires coming out of their ears. The one's in their own little world. Pod People. I'm now one of them.

It's a sweet one too: Black/silver, 30 Gigs, I can play music, videos, movies, even pictures! Very electronic-y.

Oh case your wondering. The screen is Bon Jovi (of course) Have A Nice Day.

So, Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Well, I am still in NYC. And finally, FINALLY in my "apartment". I use that term loosely of course. I actually prefer the term "closet". Seriously. I have pictures to back up that claim:

This is standing in the "foyer" looking into the livingroom/kitchenette. To give you an idea of size, If I move the couch to the wall on the left (under the mirrors), I can *just* fit a queen size air matress on the floor. Leaving just enough room for someone to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom.
And yes, there really are mirrors on the wall. Someone followed Queer Eye's decorating lesson that mirrors make a room appear larger.

Here, of course, is the bedroom. I've actually got the box springs going <--> this way, and the matress going the other way! Mostly because I couldn't get the box spring to fit in the direction I wanted it to without fear of marking up the walls. Again, as you can see, the room is not much bigger than a Queen size bed. Lilly Belle is facing the dresser which prevents me from completly opening the door. The same door that I have to partially close to open the dresser!!! CRAZY!!!

And finally, the bathroom. Not glamerous I know, but I wanted all of you to see the shower head. Now, the actual shower head itself, is mine. I changed it right after moving in, because the one they had in there beat the daylights out of me!!!
What gets me, is the LOCATION of the shower!!! HELLO!!! Don't these people know that this is a terrible location for a shower head???

Makes for some interesting showering let me tell ya.

Ok, so NYC still pretty cool. Still can't believe I'm here. Work is good, my co-workers are good. Life is good.

Talk to you soon.

Monday, October 09, 2006


So, here I am. New York City!!! This is going to be a long one my friends, so get comfortable.

Lets see.....where to start? The trip into the city was more or less uneventful. Then, there was the move into my apartmet. Or maybe I should closet. Seriously, I've stayed in hotel rooms that were bigger. Ok, so, I'm in my NYC studio apartment located on Christopher Street in Greenwich village. Now, for my Chicago friends, think of Christopher Street as the NY version of Boys Town. For the rest of you....well, you get the idea.
Ok, so, my apt is SMALL, I can live with that. It's also filthy (the apt broker told me that it was clean and ready for me to move in. I guess the NYC version of clean includes dust bunnies the size of actual bunnies, and mini blinds that are grey instead of white. ew.) Anyhow, I can live with both of these. I can even live with seeing the guys that look more like a girl than I do! But, what I can't and won't live with is a neighborhood where there is prostitution and drugs. Seriously!! The park that was about 2 blocks away on the river is where all the gay (seriously!) gangsta wanna-be's would gather from the Bronx, Brooklyn, etc. When the park closes, they wander up Christopher street with nothing better to do than be little hoodlums. Three (count 'em three!) police officers (NY's finest!!) are telling us that I should not be walking down the street alone after dark. That this neighborhood is having some real problems. Specifically, the aforementioned gangsta wanna-be's who don't have anything better to do than cause problems. So, I get on the phone to my company. It's Sunday, so I know nothing can be done right then, but, I wanted to be at the top of the priority list. On Monday, I finally call my recruiter, who knows NOTHING about my housing issues. Seriously, they didn't pass ANY of it along. Ok, so I go through the whole spiel again. She promises to look into it. The apt broker, who apparently is a moron, says to my recruiter "well, this is New York. No one should walk alone after dark". What an idiot. I am as single as single can get. Who in the world am I supposed to walk with after dark?!?!?!? I'm not living here. Find me a new place to live. Now.
Of course, they are telling me it will take 1 or 2 weeks. Well, absolutely NOT!!! I'm not living in this place one day longer than I have to. Because we all know what's going to happen. Two weeks later, I'll get a phone call that housing is still "working on it". Hooey. I finally threaten to break my contract (a first for me, let me tell ya), and go home. They finally agree to place me on a temporary stipend, and I can find temporary lodging until they can find me another apt. Now, where does one find temporary housing in NYC for $83/day?
Enter into the story my friend from Chicago, Dan. Dan just moved back to the east coast, and is currently crashing at his parents residence in New Jersey. His parents have an apt "in the city". With my housing drama came an offer of staying in this apt until my company came through. Woo-Hoo! Hooray for Dan's parents!!! So, here I am at Club Meltz. In New York City. I still can't belive I'm living here. It blows me away. I'm even starting to figure out the subway system. Although, everytime I head Uptown, I get the Billy Joel song "Uptown Girl" stuck in my head. Twisted, I know.
I also had my first brush with a celebrity: Will Smith is filming here. I've got him on video, AND I got his autograph. This city is so cool.

More later, with pictures.