In Memorium

Today, at about 3:30 pm CST my Marley passed away. It happened quickly. He went from "something's not right, I think he's sick" to dying. My co-workers were understanding not only about my need to come to work late today (I had to take him from the emergency clinic to the vet office) but also my need to leave work early to go be with him, and ultimately make one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. The only thing that made it even remotely an easier choice was the fact that despite the vet giving him pain meds, he was still in pain, and I had decided long ago that he would not ever suffer. The vet gave him the shots and I don't think it even took a full minute. It was obvious that it was time.
Marley was the first pet I ever had that was MINE. Well, actually, being that he was a CAT, I guess, really, I was HIS. I was his third and final owner. I got him not long after finishing Nursing school and starting work. He's been a four legged snuggle fest for me for 8 years now. There's been nothing like having my Marley meet me at the door after a hard (or even easy) day at work. I miss him already, and I guess I'll always hold a special place for my Marleycat
Thank you for letting me be your human.
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