Finally! Trip Pics!

Despite the date on this picture, this was actually day 2 of the trip. I woke up cranky and not feeling well. A 2 hour nap fixed that! What you can't see is Marley on my lap.
As you can see out the window, I wasn't missing much. Flat, flat, flat. I think this is West Panhandle Texas/New Mexico.

Route 66! We stopped somewhere in New Mexico for in a town in the middle of nowhere. Good Mexican food though.
Anyhow, there was this great mural of Route 66. This was one secion of it. We basically paralleled
Route 66 most of the way West.
This is Meteor Crater. This is where a falling star crashed into planet earth, and left a really big hole in the ground.
Here's the funny part (well, sort of): There's a goat trapped in there somewhere. While we were there, one of the employees "spotted" it. We never did see it. Apparently, it's been down there quite awhile. The men in the gift shop voiced surprise that a coyote hadn't gotten it yet. They also weren't sure what the thing was eating or drinking!
So I put these pics together for a reason. The picture above is me (duh) with Sunset Crater in the background. Sunset Crater is an extinct volcano. Not just quiet, not just dormant. Dead. Ok, now look at the pic on the left. This was a pueblo. A tribe lived here. Population probably around 100 give or take a few. Very interesting how a society with no computers, no drafting paper, not even a ruler were able to build.....well, home. Not only that, but there were other pueblo's "near" by. Somehow, these people managed to build their homes in perfect alignment to other people's homes. Don't ask me how. Even the "experts" aren't sure how they did this.
So, what does this have to do with the volcano? This tribe was setting up camp so to speak, about the time that Sunset crater blew her top for the last known time. The scientists best guess is that Sunset erupted for the last time around 1180 (that's A.D. by the way). Understand, this volcano is around 15-25 miles from this pueblo. Even more mind boggling, at least to me, is this last eruption was a mere 300 years before Columbus landed. THREE HUNDRED YEARS!!!! This is NOTHING in the universe's time line. This is nothing in the planet's time line!
Well, that's all blogger will let me post for now. I'll do more tomorrow.
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