Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Sunday observation

I have finished my first week at my new assignment. So far, so good. The only thing so far is that instead of their week running Sunday thru Saturday.....they go Friday to Thursday. It's already really throwing me off! Other than that, nice co-workers, funny, talented. Should be ok. Better than my Oakland assignment!

So, today being Sunday, and today being I had a day off.....I went to church. Found one that has about 400 members. Which is pretty good since I am *WAY* outside the bible-belt. But here's why I'm bringing up my church attendance. This is kind of long.....sorry.

After the sermon, there's always an opportunity for people to come forward. For prayers, to be baptised, or to come forward to confess (usually paired with a request for prayers from the congregation.). For those of you who are not regular chuch-goers.....this is not meant to be a way for others to judge you. Rather a time to confess you're wrong-doing, and to ask for help.
Anyhow, today a woman came forward (didn't know her, so I don't remember her name. Wouldn't have shared it anyhow since it's not important to the posting.). Apparently, she is separated from her husband (he's living in Oregon). While here, she made poor choices, had an affair, and is now pregnant with a baby that is not her husband's. I tell you all this, not because of the juicyness of the story, but because I knew something was up before the preacher read her confession/prayer request. I knew this because when she went up there, 5 or 6 women came up after she did and sat next to her and behind her.

What a Steel Magnolia's moment. They are pretty rare (the last one for me was at my grandmother's funeral. I broke down crying during the viewing, and within SECONDS there were half a dozen women around me.). Anyhow, here was this woman, facing her choices, seemingly alone. All she had to do was make that difficult and terrifying walk to the front of the church to find out she really wasn't alone.
My other observation today (about this same event), was how brave she was in this decision making process. She very easily could have gone off quietly and privately, assured that no one would know about the choices she had made. Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not promoting pregnancy termination. But I'm always amazed when women (and sometimes girls), face up to what will become a very visible reminder to the choices she's made. Amazing.

Anyhow....a very Steele Magnolia's moment in church today. What a wonderful gender we are. Men have their male bonding. Some of them do it well. But they have nothing on the bonds of sisterhood. We can be catty, bitchy, and downright mean. But only to those who dare to harm one of our own. For such a male dominated world (not slamming that fact by the way), think of all the feminine-related sayings we have: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned; if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy; the Motherland; ships are referred to as "she". How strong is the bond of women? My best friend in high school was Tanya. We met in PE class in the 8th grade (or maybe it was 7th?). We lost touch many years ago. We just refound each other last year. The friendship is still there. We really are an amazing breed.

Ok, enough musings. So long friends. Check back soon. I'll write again.


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